Phi Sonata 2 22m

It’s got one hour of flight time! Concerta bag and catch bag. Perfect condition. Going different style of flying.

Brand: Phi
Certification: A (EN/LTF/DHV1)
Weight range:
50 kg / 110 lbs or less
55 kg / 121 lbs
60 kg / 132 lbs
65 kg / 143 lbs
70 kg / 154 lbs
75 kg / 165 lbs
80 kg / 176 lbs
85 kg / 187 lbs
90 kg / 198 lbs
95 kg / 209 lbs
100 kg / 220 lbs
105 kg / 231 lbs
110 kg / 243 lbs
115 kg / 254 lbs
120 kg / 265 lbs
125 kg / 276 lbs
130 kg / 287 lbs
135 kg / 298 lbs
140 kg / 309 lbs
145 kg / 320 lbs
150 kg / 331 lbs or more
Country: United States of America
Listing created Jul 4, 2023

Public discussion (2)

Scotty V

1 years ago

This is a link to the actual specs and information on the wing. Sorry for the lack of understanding of how this form works… Yet. Oh, I stored it in my office in perfect condition away from the sun… I’m just going to different direction. I have an great gin two harness I can throw in if somebody buys it soon…

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