Tandem Spreader Bars Dudek (Ecarteurs Biplace)

Used only a couple of times. RRP: 200 EUR
Located in French Alps.

"They ensure that a constant distance between pilot and passenger is maintained during entire paramotor flight. Such a distance makes take-off easier and can save you some bruises in the air. There are several hangpoints to choose from."

Barre interne en inox ( crée un point de fusible mais ne casse pas)
Ecartement de 47 cm
Hauteur passager réglable de 13 à 30 cm
3 fixations aile/secours
réglage en hauteur du passager
Fabrication Dudek/ALS
Housse de rangement


Land: Frankreich
Eintrag erfolgreich erstellt 12 Jun 2023

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